Monday, October 12, 2009

Memory Monday- I Remember Fall Days

I remember fall days

a light wind blowing a leaf down the street

Walking to school with a cool breeze

whipping against my legs

Buttoning my car coat up to my neck and

pulling the hood over my head

Autumn leaves dancing in synchronization

of burnt amber and new gold

I remember fresh boxes of crayons

The smell of new pencils

and learning times tables and spelling words

Drawing diagrams of verbs and nouns on blackboards

Games of kick ball and tetherball wrapping around a pole

I remember ashy legs that became shiny with Vaseline

Pigtails with ribbons and barrettes that hit me in the face

when the wind kissed my weathered cheeks

I remember the first rain that signified

summer was over

Halloween masks and trick or treat

Big bags of candy and delights

Darkness descending earlier and earlier making

the days shorter

Taking a bath and running to the portable heater

Sneaking to watch Amos n’ Andy before bedtime

I remember fall…..

My favorite season, the best time of the year.

Copyright © 2009 Dera R. Williams


Yasmin said...

Love it, love it, love got skillz.

Dera Williams said...

Thanks Yasmin. It just came to me when I saw that tree.

Ladysilver said...

That was so descriptive. I saw all of those things in my mind and remembered fall as well. So different from what I see when I think of fall and my kids

LCJ said...

Dera, thanks so much for the walk down Memory Lane. I'd almost forgotten about car coats and tether balls (smile). I always loved walking to school during fall, the crisp cool breeze and the leaves carpeting my walk...thanks again.

Beverly said...

Wow - very nice
took me back to fall in NYC and growing up.

But I was probably more excited about summer comming